Friday, May 7, 2010

My Toe Still HURTS!

Remember how I told you about my jammed toenail and how I had to go to the emergency vet on Sunday?  Well, my toe is still really sore, and also it's swollen, and sometimes it bleeds a little around where my toenail comes out of my toe.  Mom says that it is my fault that my toe is not getting better, and this is because I keep licking it.  But I can't help licking it because it hurts!

Anyway, I can still run around pretty good in Hank's yard.  I can run on 3 legs, and I can go fast on 3 legs, if I need to get somewhere in a hurry.  And it is fun to run around in the yard, so I like to do it, even though the weather is hot, which it has been every day since we got here.  Here's a picture of me running in the yard.

And here's another picture of me, and in this one I am hunting squirrels in a liveoak tree.  Did you know there are squirrels in Texas?  Well, guess what!  There are lots of squirrels here.  Also there are armadillos and coyotes and other wild animals that we don't usually see in our yard in Kansas City.

Today Mom went to the drug store and bought some bandage wrap stuff, and she is going to try to bandage my foot so that I won't lick it all the time.  But she is afraid I might chew the bandage off, which I might do because it seems like it would be a fun way to pass the time.

Mostly, all we have got to do here in Texas so far is either stay in our room downstairs where we live with Mom, or else we go out in the yard and run around and potty and explore everything.  Meanwhile, Mom is having all the fun because she and Aunt Cheryl go to garage sales and thrift stores and places like that.  And yesterday they went to some garden centers.  Tomorrow they are going on a tour of a bunch of gardens that have wildflowers in them.  I am not sure why you would call a flower "wild" if it is kept captive in a garden, but I am no expert on flowers.

Okay, well, that is all I can think of to tell you right now.  Mom is going to take lots of pictures of the wildflowers, so maybe I will put some in my blog.  I would rather talk about dogs in my blog, but sometimes you have to use the material you have on hand.  Or on paw.


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