Friday, May 28, 2010

Oh my gosh!  Yesterday, right in the middle of physical therapy, my toenail that I hurt before just fell off my foot!  I couldn't believe it happened, even though Dr. Patricia said I might lose my toenail.  But it wasn't really lost.  It was right there on the floor, and Dr. Connie found it.  But it hurt when it came off, and then it started bleeding, and I started limping.

So Dr. Connie took me to another doctor whose name I don't remember, and he bandaged my foot with a pink bandage.  And then they put a Cone of Shame on my head and took me out to the lobby where Mom was waiting.  And Mom said she did not want to pay for the Cone of Shame because she already had several of them at home, so they took it off me, but Mom had to pay for my bandage, which cost $26.  Mom said she could have just done it herself at home, and it would have cost a lot less, but she didn't really have a choice because my toenail fell off while we were at that expensive Mission MedVet place.

Anyway, when we got home, Mom found a cone for me to wear, and she put it on me, even though I squirmed and wiggled a whole lot.  Mom thought I would find a way to take the cone off, but so far I haven't figured out how to do that.  I have been way too busy trying to figure out how to walk around and jump on the sofa and sleep and go up stairs with the stupid thing on.  I am getting better at doing these things, but I still have a lot to learn.  Mostly, I just let Mom carry me up the stairs, but going down is easier, so I can do that all by myself.

I have to wear the cone for two or three days, until I get the bandage taken off.  Mom said she might just take the bandage off herself instead of having a vet do it.  Mom even has special bandage scissors.  She learned all about bandaging dogs when we were fostering greyhounds because greyhounds have really thin skin, so they are always getting boo-boos.

Mom said she is very proud of me for leaving my cone on.  She says that I look trés femme with my pink bandage.  That is French for "very girlish."  I like being so pretty and stylish, but I don't like having to wear a bandage that makes me walk funny!


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