Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm Number 182

Not too long ago, in the Kansas City Star, there was this article about the most popular dog and cat names. I think this list is just from Kansas City, MO, and the way they got the list was they counted all the names of dogs and cats that got city licenses.  So I cannot tell you about the most popular names in Kansas City, KS or in Independence or Olathe or any other part of town.  But that doesn't really matter because Kansas City, MO is where I live, so that makes it the best part!

Maybe you will remember that the last time I talked about popular dog names, I told you that Max was the most popular name of all.  And that may still be true if you are talking about dog names in the entire country.  But now I am just talking about Kansas City, and guess what!  Max is number two here, and Buddy is the number one dog name.  Yes, there are 239 dogs named Buddy, and only 217 named Max.

Then after that are:
Molly (204)
Maggie (162)
Lucy (154)
Sadie (149)
Daisy (149)
Bailey (134)
Lucky (116)
Jack (108)
Jake (100)

And then if you skip over a whole bunch of names, you come to Piper, which is #182!  There are only 16 dogs named Piper in Kansas City, MO, so you can tell that we are a very special and very elite group!

Okay, now for the cats.  Here are the top 10 names:
Shadow (27)
Smokey (27)
Tigger (26)
Buddy (24)
Tiger (24)
Missy (22)
Kitty (21)
Callie (20)
Max (20)
Baby (19)
Gracie (19)

What we can learn from this list of cat names is (1) not many people get licenses for their cats, and (2) some cat names are even dumber than dog names, like for instance, Kitty.  I mean, really!  Is that the best name that 21 people could think of for their cats?  You don't hear of many dogs named Doggie, do you? Well, I haven't, anyway.  Oh, and #36 on the list is Miss Kitty.  I'm not too fond of Baby either, or Missy, or Lucky, or Princess.  But don't get me started!  I'm just glad I have a more beautiful and different name like Piper, that I only have to share with 15 other dogs in Kansas City, MO.


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