Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Folks have been mighty nice to us here in Kansas City, MO. Gabe and Mel and Barry and Piper make me feel just like I am at home, but I will tell you a secret. I kind of miss my own home and my Dad, too, even though Aunt Eva pets and strokes me whenever I do mind control and look pitiful. She laughs and says, "Oh, Hank. Do you need some petting? Isn't anybody giving you any attention?" And then she will love on me like a good basenji slave.Mom and Aunt Eva have been out a lot and everytime they come home it seems they have more stuff with them and good smells all over them, too. I know they went to a friend's house yesterday and the friend has a new Golden Retriever girl who is only five months old and her name is Breezy. She must have gotten lots of loving because you sure smell that girly girl.
I did go to the vet with Gabe yesterday, the way I told you I would go and the nice woman named Debbie thought I had very good manners---haa haa haa haa haa. Drat, Mom always tells folks that I am just putting on an act. Oh, I forgot to tell you something really neat. One of the people at the vet office where Gabe goes is also an artist and she painted a really beautiful picture of Trixie and it hangs on the wall right in the front of the office. I remember Trixie--she was a beautiful stripey basenji girl who lived with Aunt Eva and is now at the Rainbow Bridge. She would come and visit me in Texas. I am proud that I knew such a beautiful girl and her picture is there for everyone to see.
Mom is running around trying to pack the car which isn't so much fun since she bought a bunch of stuff made of concrete for the garden---these things are excellent to peepee on if she sets them on the ground. It is very wet outside right now so that makes it a little messy but at least there is no lightning. I don't know why Mom packs so much, but she does.
One thing she is packing is some fried chicken from a place called Stroud's. Mom used to love going there when she was little and lived in Kansas City so Aunt Eva took her there yesterday and there were leftovers---Yea!!!! I am sure she will give me some.
Well, I guess it is time to say "Goodbye" and go and let Mom wait on me for breakfast. I am a bit fussy about eating when I am on the road so Mom usually adds some egg to my food to tempt me--hee hee-- this works out pretty well for me.
So--I want to thank Aunt Eva and her whole gang, especially perky Piper, for being so nice to me and Mom. We had a great time.
Love to everyone from your traveling correspondent, Hank