Monday, November 29, 2010
If you have a better memory than my mom does, you might remember that I wrote about New Guinea Singing Dogs last April. And at that time, I told you there were hardly any singers left in the wild, and there weren't even all that many in captivity.
Mr. Hammond was charged with animal cruelty because he didn't have a license for his kennel, and also he didn't have a licenses and rabies shots for the dogs. So now he owes $1,100 in fines. He was keeping the dogs in pens outdoors, but the conditions were getting crowded because of the large number of dogs. The rescuers said the dogs looked pretty healthy, but they were dirty and of course they should have had shots and vet care and stuff like that.
And all these dogs started from only two pairs of dogs. Mr. Hammond bought the first pair as puppies at a flea market in the 1990s, which seems like a very strange place to buy a rare breed like the New Guinea Singing Dog. And then later on, Mr. Hammond bought another pair of singer pups. So all 85 of his dogs came from just these 4 dogs, which means that there was lots of inbreeding going on.
Sometimes, in these hoarding situations, the dogs are all euthanized, but in this case, people are trying to save the dogs and find new homes for them. Mr. Hammond will be allowed to keep 10 dogs because he is cooperating with the animal control people and the rescuers. But his 10 dogs will be spayed and neutered and vaccinated before he gets them back.
Meanwhile, a group called New Guinea Singing Dog International is trying to rescue the other singers. This group needs donations, and they also need people who can give these dogs homes. NGSDs are not the best kind of dog for just anybody to adopt, though, because they have a high prey drive, and they can climb trees and fences, and you have to be careful to keep them from getting out of your yard. But if you think you might like to adopt one of these rare and interesting dogs, you can find out more on the NGSD International website. And you can see tons of photos on the group's Facebook page.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
At this time of year, people sometimes have parties, and they tell everybody to bring a "white elephant" gift. And as far as I can figure out, this means you are supposed to bring something to the party that you don't want, and then you will give it to someone else who also doesn't want it. Plus you will end up with another gift to bring home that you don't want, either.
And all of this seems kind of dumb to me, when I get to thinking about it. Not that I really understand some of the stuff that humans do anyway. But this white elephant thing brought several questions to my mind, such as:
1. Are there really any elephants that are white?
2. If so, is there something wrong with these elephants that makes people not like them?
3. What do elephants have to do with giving gifts?
Anyway, after I thought up these excellent questions, I started doing my usual in-depth research, and I learned some interesting things.
First of all, I found out that there really are white elephants living in Asia. They are albinos, and they are kind of rare. Also they are not white-white, like my cute little feet are white. They are just sort of a dirty whitish color, but mostly they are lighter in color than a regular elephant.
And the second thing I learned is that in the past, white elephants were considered very, very special in countries like Thailand or Laos or Myanmar, where they were sometimes even worshipped. You could not use white elephants to carry stuff or do other work. That's how special they were. So a white elephant couldn't earn its keep, and only rich people such as emperors could afford to have white elephants.
Which is why white elephants made bad gifts. People say that the King of Siam used to give a white elephant to somebody he didn't like anymore. And the person who got the white elephant couldn't use it to work, but still had to pay for its food and make it available so that people could come and worship it. And in the end, the person who got the white elephant would go broke.
The term "white elephant" to mean a gift that is expensive to take care of without bringing you any money in return was first used in the 15th century. Now it mostly just means that you are making a gift out of something that you don't want anymore. But the person you are giving it to may not want it either. I guess this is supposed to be funny, but it just seems kind of dumb to me, like I said before.
In June of this year, some people in Myanmar found a white elephant roaming around in the jungle, and they captured it and gave it to the king. White elephants are still symbols that make people feel like they will be lucky and rich -- well, as long as they personally don't have to pay for the white elephant's food.
So that's the story of white elephants and why you don't want anyone to ever give you a real, live one unless you don't mind going bankrupt in order to feed it. But guess what I found out! There is a really pretty hosta plant called "White Elephant," so you could get one of those, and it would be easy and cheap to take care of, and you could tell everybody that you had a white elephant, and you would not be telling a lie!
And all of this seems kind of dumb to me, when I get to thinking about it. Not that I really understand some of the stuff that humans do anyway. But this white elephant thing brought several questions to my mind, such as:
1. Are there really any elephants that are white?
2. If so, is there something wrong with these elephants that makes people not like them?
3. What do elephants have to do with giving gifts?

First of all, I found out that there really are white elephants living in Asia. They are albinos, and they are kind of rare. Also they are not white-white, like my cute little feet are white. They are just sort of a dirty whitish color, but mostly they are lighter in color than a regular elephant.
And the second thing I learned is that in the past, white elephants were considered very, very special in countries like Thailand or Laos or Myanmar, where they were sometimes even worshipped. You could not use white elephants to carry stuff or do other work. That's how special they were. So a white elephant couldn't earn its keep, and only rich people such as emperors could afford to have white elephants.
Which is why white elephants made bad gifts. People say that the King of Siam used to give a white elephant to somebody he didn't like anymore. And the person who got the white elephant couldn't use it to work, but still had to pay for its food and make it available so that people could come and worship it. And in the end, the person who got the white elephant would go broke.
The term "white elephant" to mean a gift that is expensive to take care of without bringing you any money in return was first used in the 15th century. Now it mostly just means that you are making a gift out of something that you don't want anymore. But the person you are giving it to may not want it either. I guess this is supposed to be funny, but it just seems kind of dumb to me, like I said before.
In June of this year, some people in Myanmar found a white elephant roaming around in the jungle, and they captured it and gave it to the king. White elephants are still symbols that make people feel like they will be lucky and rich -- well, as long as they personally don't have to pay for the white elephant's food.
So that's the story of white elephants and why you don't want anyone to ever give you a real, live one unless you don't mind going bankrupt in order to feed it. But guess what I found out! There is a really pretty hosta plant called "White Elephant," so you could get one of those, and it would be easy and cheap to take care of, and you could tell everybody that you had a white elephant, and you would not be telling a lie!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Yang menyebabkan suatu makhluk hidup menjadi Albino adalah karena terjadinya gen yag resesive dari kedua orangtuanya. Hampir semua tipe dari hewan dapat lahir dalam kondisi albino, bahkan makhluk invertebrata sekalipun seperti kepiting atau ikan.
Berikut ini adalah 7 hewan albino yang sangat luar biasa:
1. Albino Alligator
Hanya ada sedikit sekali bahkan dapat dihitung jari jumlah alligator/buaya putih yang ada di dunia. Tak tidak semuanya benar-benar murni sebagai albino. Gambar di atas adalah Bouya Blan, buaya albino berusia 22 tahun yang tinggal di Florida. Hewan albino ini memiliki pigmentasi yang sangat sedikit, bahkan matanyapun nyaris tak berwarna.
Selanjutnya adalah White Diamond yang lahir di Louisiana namun dibesarkan di Germany’s Serengeti Safari Park. Buaya berusia 15 tahun tersebut merupakan varian buaya Mississppiensis albino satu-satunya di Eropa!
2. Albino Snake
Ular dapat menunjukkan beberapa variasi dari pola abino, dan kulit mereka akan berpola mulai dari warna putih salju hingga warna yang tampak seperti cetakan yang fotocopy yang kering. Sebagai pemangsa yang bergerak secara diam-diam, ular albino memiliki kerugian dalam dunia hewan buas (dikarenakan warna kulitnya yang terang) dan mereka biasanya tidak dapat bertahan hidup lebih lama.
3. Albino Peacock
Tidak perlu dijelaskan lagi betapa cantiknya burung merak albino pada gambar tersebut. Warna putihnya sungguh dapat menarik bukan hanya merak betina melainkan juga hewan-hewan lainnya yang ada di sekitarnya.
Siapa yang tidak kagum melihat merak jantan di atas? Sangat langka bahkan dijadikan sebagai maskot dari NBC Television Network.
Sungguh sangat unik sekali, di saat zebra sejenisnya berpola garis hitam putih, namun tidak demikian dengan albino di atas.
Beberapa zebra albino memiliki pola dimana terdapat garis putih seperti zebra kebanyakan, hanya saja warna hitamnya tidak tampak, karena tidak memiliki pigmentasi.
Gambar diatas bukanlah gambar zebra albino, melainkan percampuran antara kuda putih dan zebra non albino. Warna yang sangat luar biasa!
5. Albino Gorilla
Sebagai satu-satunya gorila albino yang berhasil diselamatkan, Snowflake sudah banyak mempesona para pengunjung kebun binatang selama hampir 40 tahun, sebelum akhirnya meninggal karena kanker kulit pada akhir tahun 2003
Kebanyakan gorila hanya dapat bertahan hidup selama 25 tahun, sehingga Snowflake sudah berhasil memecahkan rekor tersebut Selama hidupnya, Snowflake sudah melakukan 22 kali pembuahan, namun tidak satupun keturunannya yang berwujud albino!
Here’s a short video of Snowflake taken at his home in the Barcelona Zoo:
Kontributor dari website dari TotallyLooksLike.com bahkan menunjukkan bahwa Snowflake terkadang justru menyerupai manusia ketimbang hewan, hehehe
6. Albino Doplhin
Lumba-lumba albino pertama kali terlihat pada tahun 1962 dan sejak 1994, terlihat kembali di sekitar Teluk Mexico. Yang terakhir terlihat diberi nama “Pinky”, seekor lumba-lumba moncong botol yang kini dibesarkan di Louisiana’s Lake Calcasieu. Pinky kini menjadi lumba-lumba yang banyak menarik turis.
Jenis lumba-lumba albino lainnya hidup di Sungai Amazon Brazil. Namun memiliki asal yang berbeda. Yang sebelah kiri adalah Amazon Pinky, sedangkan yang sebelah kanan adalah American Pinky.
7. Albino Whale
Awalnya banyak yang mengira sebagai Great While Shark, namun kemudian diangkat menjadi Great White Whale! Ikan Paus Albino teramat sangat langka sekali sehingga keberadaannya banyak mengundang perhatian. Paus bernama Migaloo hidup di perairan hangat di Southern Ocean di sekitar Australia. Spesies lainnya bernama seperti Beluga juga berwarna putih, namun bukan albino, karena albino bisa dilihat dari warna matanya.
Ini adalah foto Ikan Paus Putih yang di abadikan oleh photografer Antonio Moreano in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of the Galapagos Islands.
Dari buku Personality Plus, bisa disimpulkan kira-kira ada 20 sifat yang bisa menghancurkan diri sendiri, yaitu:
1. Bashful
Sering menghindari perhatian karena malu
2. Unforgiving
Sulit melupakan sakit hati atas ketidakadilan yang dialami, biasa mendendam
3. Resentful
Sering memendam rasa tidak senang akibat tersinggung oleh fakta/khayalannya
4. Fussy
Bersikeras minta perhatian besar pada perincian/hal yang sepele
5. Insecure
Sering merasa sedih/cemas/takut/kurang kepercayaan
6. Unpopular
Suka menuntut orang lain untuk sempurna sesuai keinginannya
7. Hard to please
Suka menetapkan standar yang terlalu tinggi yang sulit dipenuhi oleh orang lain
8. Pessimistic
Sering melihat sisi buruk lebih dulu pada situasi apapun
9. Alienated
Sering merasa terasing/tidak aman, takut jangan-jangan tidak disenangi orang lain
10. Negative attitude
Jarang berpikir positif, sering cuma melihat sisi buruk/gelap setiap situasi
11. Withdrawn
Sering lama-lama menyendiri/menarik diri/mengasingkan diri
12. Too sensitive
Terlalu introspektif/ingin dipahami, mudah tersinggung kalau disalahpahami
13. Depressed
Hampir sepanjang waktu merasa tertekan
14. Introvert
Pemikiran & perhatiannya ditujukan ke dalam, hidup di dalam diri sendiri
15. Moody
Semangatnya sering merosot drastis, apalagi kalo merasa tidak dihargai
16. Skeptical
Tidak mudah percaya, mempertanyakan motif di balik kata-kata
17. Loner
Memerlukan banyak waktu pribadi, cenderung menghindari orang lain
18. Suspicious
Suka curiga/tidak percaya kata-kata orang lain
19. Revengeful
Sadar/tidak sadar sering menahan perasaan, menyimpan dendam, ingin membalas
20. Critical
Suka mengevaluasi/menilai/berpikir/mengkritik secara negatif
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